数字多功能控制简称 库存 D367018 (DMC) 200/200A GX/与M367022配套,KM1-Digital Multi Control Panel
数字多控制远程和调节交流输入电流,以及控制多设备或 Quattros 的开/关控制。您的船、汽车或房屋系统的面板集成。
Digital Multi Control Panel (DMC) 可连接所有Multis/Quattros产品,其中包括独立、电路以及2个。DMC与系统相连接很简单和3个,通常只需要DMC 45线相连接,另外需要额外的设置。 2.1 VE.Bus system with 1 AC source Setup for such a system is easy: Just connect the DMC to the VE.Bus system (see paragraph 4.1) and the DMC will automatically adapt to the current system. No parameters need to be changed in the DMC unless you want to limit the maximum current the operator can set. In that case you only need to adapt the “Upper shore limit for AC input 1" setting. Refer to chapter 6 for a description of how to do this. 2.2 VE.Bus system with 2 AC sources There are several ways to build a VE.Bus system with 2 AC sources. Refer to the appropriate sub-paragraph for your installation. 2.2.1 Extended VE.Bus system with Multis A system with more than 1 AC input can be build with normal Multis. The extended VE.Bus functionality is used for this purpose. This functionality comes available when a dongle is connected to the system. The system must then be configured with the “VE.Bus System Configurator" tool. From the DMC point of view there is no difference between a system build with Quattro’s and a system build with Multis. So read on with paragraph 2.2.2. Note that, by using VeConfigure2, it is possible to determine whether or not an AC input shore limit can be overruled by the remote panel. 2.2.2 VE.Bus system built with Quattro’s If your system is build with one or more Quattro’s the installation of the DMC is straight-forward. Just connect the DMC to the VE.Bus system (see paragraph 4.1) and the DMC will automatically adapt to the current system. Most likely you do not need to change any settings in the DMC. In a Quattro the AC1 input has always priority over the AC2 input. The default setting in a Quattro is that the AC2 shore current can be overruled by the remote panel and the AC1 limit is fixed. (This can be changed with VeConfigure2) A common practice is that a generator is connected to AC1 and shore power to AC2. As long as the generator is running the Quattro’s will use the generator. The DMC will display in that case and turning the knob on the DMC will not have any influence. When the generator is stopped and shore power is applied, the Quattro’s will switch to the shore power. Now the DMC will continuously toggle the display between and the current shore limit set point. Turning the knob will now change the shore limit set point in the Quattro’s. If you want to limit the maximum current the operator can set you can change the “Upper shore limit for AC input 2" parameter. Refer to paragraph 6 for a description of how to do this. Please refer to paragraph 6.4.1 if you want to get rid off the display toggling ( ↔ shore limit 数字多功能控制简称 库存 D367018 (DMC) 200/200A GX/与M367022配套,KM1-Digital Multi Control Panel |